Uncle Bills Formula
Bill Strickland knew dairy products well. During his tenure as an employee of the Akron Pure Milk Company, he worked diligently on creating the ideal frozen custard recipe. After a great deal of trial and error experimentation, Bill developed what he considered (and what we and our customers still consider) to be the best tasting ice cream and frozen custard formula in the world! Part of the secret was Bill's committment to using only the freshest ingredients, which is a tradition still maintained by every Stricklands® Frozen Custard franchise and affilate-owned store.
In the early days, Bill Strickland mixed the ingredients in his garage in large batches. As the Stricklands Frozen Custard customer base continued to grow, Uncle Bill's formula was entrusted to a local dairy to provide larger volume production. Along the way, the formula was adjusted to account for modern food safety procedures such as milk pasteurization, but the fantastic flavor of Stricklands' ice cream and frozen custard was preserved. Bill's formula is still followed today at every franchise and affilate-owned Stricklands Frozen Custard store! So stop by and give it a taste...you may just become another Stricklands' fanatic!